Encyclopedia Jacob Two-Two

Miss Sour Pickle is Jacob's teacher. She is also Principal Greedyguts's love interest.


Miss Sour Pickle is mean and miserable. She loves to put pressure on her class, especially Jacob. She often assigns frivolous projects which count for the majority of her students' grades. One of the few things Sour Pickle cares for is Principal Greedyguts. She often flirts with Greedyguts in front of her students, and she collaborates with him on his get-rich-quick schemes.

She has a poodle named Dustmop whom she calls "my baby".


Miss Sour Pickle is tall and thin. She has wrinkly purple skin, short black hair in a bun, and a large, pointed nose. She wears a black choker, a black shirt, and a purple skirt.

Jacob Two Two and the Troublesome Twosome - Ep
Jacob Two Two and the Troublesome Twosome - Ep
Jacob Two Two and the Troublesome Twosome - Ep