Encyclopedia Jacob Two-Two

Florence Two-Two is Morty's wife and Jacob's mother. She is a stay-at-home mom and her husband's editor.


She is very organized and always takes care of the family and the house. She is rather calm most of the time, and she rarely raises her voice. Florence loves her family very much and she and Morty always keep everything together and help Jacob with his problems. Sometimes Florence can be oblivious to what Jacob is going through. In the first episode, she does not seem to realize that Noah constantly picks on Jacob, and she calls Noah a "very sweet boy" while Noah makes faces at Jacob. Most of the time, they stand up for their son, such as when they found out Greedyguts was serving him and his classmates disgusting lunch food due to budget cuts while he gets good food.

In addition to editing Morty's stories, Florence does volunteer work with the elderly at an indoor pool.


Florence has curly red hair and wears lipstick. Florence's standard wardrobe consists of glasses, a pearl necklace, and a pink businesswoman's suit.


  • Florence is named after Florence Richler, the wife of Jacob Two-Two author Mordecai Richler. The real Florence worked as an actress and model before becoming her husband's editor. She died in 2020.